
Evidence supports exporting data and reports to PDF, images, CSVs and using copy-paste.

All of these options are available in both dev and prod environments.


Evidence supports exporting individual pages to PDFs.

Open the option menu in the top-right of the page, and select "Export PDF".

This will open a dialog where you can adjust the format and save.

The PDF reflects the current state of the page - for example if queries are shown, then they will be included in the PDF.


Data can be exported as CSV files, using the "Download Data" option in the bottom right of a component.

To see the download option, hover over the component. The following components support CSV downloads:

  • Query results
  • Tables
  • Chart components

The for chart components, the CSV downloaded will match the query that was used in the component.

Image (PNG)

Charts can be exported as .png files, using the "Download image" option in the bottom right of a component.

To see the download option, hover over the component.


You can copy content from Evidence pages and paste it into other applications that support rich text, such as email, Google Docs, and Microsoft Word.

Cmd+A (Mac) or Ctrl+A (Windows) will select all content in the page, excluding the header, footer and sidebar.